국가지정·등록표본번호 | |
수장기관표본번호 | KIGAM 9J94 |
기타표본번호 | SNUP2563 |
일반명 | 불가사리(sea star) |
화석구분 | 체화석(b) |
분류일반 | |
분류체계 | 동물 > 극피동물 > Stylophora > Cornuta |
학명 | Genus and species indeterminate Form A |
모식종 | 해당없음 |
담명모식-종류 | |
담명모식-표본번호 | |
담명모식-수장기관 | |
담명모식-참고문헌 | |
해당표본모식여부 | |
형태적 특징 | Theca heart-shaped (cordiform), with rounded, gently curved outlines. Anterior edge of thecal frame slightly concave at aulacophore insertion on lower surface and more deeply excavated on upper side. No ornamentation on lower surface of anterior marginals and lateral edges of theca. Lateral and posterior sides of theca surrounded by a thin, downwardrecurved, peripheral flange, developed by outer edges of marginals. Peripheral flange narrow and relatively steep along lateral sides, becoming wider and nearly flat posteriorly. Supracentral area delimited by narrow, raised, continuous ridge emitted by upper surface of marginals. Supracentrals extremely numerous and small, all bearing a small, blunt or club-shaped central protuberance. Thecal frame apparently made of two adorals, a zygal plate in central position, and more than nine marginals (at least four on the left and five on the right). M1 small, quadrangular element, with concave anterior and posterior edges. M’1 T-shaped, with anterior region comparable in morphology to M1, and long, relatively narrow, gently curved posterior, zygal branch. On internal (upper) surface of M’1, zygal crest anteriorly low, increasing in height in a posterior direction, and with triangular cross section. Posterior portion of zygal crest borne by a plate in central position: the zygal plate Z. Zygal plate relatively narrow and straight, in contact with M’1 anteriorly, and with two marginals posteriorly (identified here as M4 on the right and the glossal, G on the left, by comparison with other cornutes). Zygal plate slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly. M2 gently curved, apparently fractured into two subequal portions, and forming right anterior corner of theca. Right portion of thecal frame between M2 and Z possibly formed by two long, subequal, curved marginals (M3 and M4), or by three smaller elements (Mc, M3, and M4). Glossal pentagonal, sutured to Z and M4 (on the right), and to a small, narrow marginal on the left. M’2 well preserved, curved element, comparable in morphology to M2, forming left anterior corner of theca. M’3 gently curved marginal, slightly shorter than M’2. Sutures between more posterior left marginals hardly discernable. M’4 apparently relatively short element. Two adorals on anterior edge of upper surface, at aulacophore insertion. Left adoral A’1 more or less rounded, slightly depressed element. Right adoral A1 quadrangular plate, larger than A’1, with longitudinal groove surrounded by raised lips leading to anterior opening, at A1-M1 suture (right adoral orifice). Presence of 11 small cothurnopores (0.3–0.65 mm long), forming elongate rhombic structure in right anterior corner of supracentral area, right of A1. Cothurnopores narrow, each consisting of two U-shaped plates enclosing several tiny cones with an apical pore (generally, at least three to six cones by cothurnopore). Proximal aulacophore slightly flexed leftwards, and made of 10 telescopic rings. Each ring consisting of two inferolaterals (below) and two tectals (above), with inferolaterals and tectals nearly subequal in size and joining at about lateral midline. Lower surface of proximal aulacophore flat and upper surface strongly convex, domed. Anterior edge of each ring slightly raised and overlapping depressed posterior portion of next, more anterior (distal) ring. Stylocone funnel-shaped, with enlarged posterior region, and straight, narrower distal portion. Lower surface of stylocone nearly smooth and rounded. Upper (internal) surface of stylocone showing deep proximal notch, longitudinal median groove, with two pairs of transverse channels leading to lateral depressions. Two pairs of opened cover plates articulated to stylocone. Four ossicles preserved anteriorly to stylocone, showing similar smooth lower surface, longitudinal median groove and one pair of transverse channels on internal side. Two cover plates preserved in open position articulated to lateral edges of each ossicle. |
지질시대 | 고생대(캠브리아기) |
분지 | 태백산분지 |
지층명 | 조선누층군, 동점층 |
암상 | 세립 사암 |
산지 | 경상북도 봉화군 석포면 석포리 산 1-189(석개재 임도) 37°04’19”N 129°08’39”E [카카오맵] |
크기 | 19.5*7*1.3(암석) |
암석표본내 보존상황 | OSOS1 |
종의 수 | 1 |
보존양상 | 외형본(Em) |
보존된 부분 | theca and proximal aulacophore |
카운터파트 유무 | 있음 |
수장기관정보 | 지질박물관(한국지질자원연구원) |
표본취득방법 | 채집(Collected) |
채집자/기증자 | 이승배 |
취득일 | 2002년 1월 1일 |
참고문헌1 | Lee, S-B., Lefebvre, B,m and Choi, D.K., Latest Cambrian cornutes (Echinodermata: Stylophora) from the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea |
참고문헌2 | |
참고문헌3 | |
임시등급평가 | |
최종등급평가 | 다(예비국가관리필요) |
유산 가치 | 태백산분지의 후기 캄브리아기 극피동물 다양성 증명 |
비고-화석표본 | |
비고-암석표본 | |
비고-행정처리 | |
작업자 | 이승배 |
작업일 | 2021년 9월 27일 |
검토의견 | |
검토자 | |
검토일 |