2021년 12월 19일 11:29 오후 |
5 |
specimen_code: | GL20下-8 | → | GL20下 |
general_classification: | | → | 무척추동물 |
genus_name: | | → | <i>Pseudagnostus</i>? (슈다그노스투스) |
scientific_name: | <i>Pseudagnostus<i/>? <i>dividuus<i/>? | → | <i>Pseudagnostus<i/>? <i>josepha<i/>? |
is_type: | | → | 모식아님 |
morphological_description: | Trilobite fragments | → | Internal mould of cephalon. |
formation_name: | 마차리층 | → | 영월층군 마차리층 |
preservation_status: | | → | 내형본 |
preserved_part: | | → | cephalon |
has_counterpart: | | → | 없음 |
reference_info: | | → | Choi et al., 2003, Upper Cambrian agnostoid trilobites form the Machari Formation, Yongwol, Korea |
temporary_rating: | | → | 4 |
modified_by: | dclee | → | hmpark |