표본정보 변경내역

표본번호: SNUP 1041
변경일시 변경종류 사용자ID 변경내역
2021년 12월 17일 1:23 오후 수정 3
kingdom_name:동물Animalia (동물)
phylum_name:절지동물Arthropoda (절지동물)
class_name:삼엽충Trilobita (삼엽충)
order_name:Agnostida(아그노스티다)Agnostida (아그노스티다)
family_name:Agnostidae(아그노스티대)Agnostidae (아그노스티대)
genus_name:Glyptagnostus(글립아그노스투스)<i>Glyptagnostus</i> (글립아그노스투스)
scientific_name:Glyptagnostus reticulatus (Angelin, 1851)<i>Glyptagnostus reticulatus</i> (Angelin, 1851)
type_species:Glypagnostus toreuma Whitehouse, 1936<i>Glypagnostus toreuma</i> Whitehouse, 1936
discovery_location:강원 영월군 강원 영월군
reference_info:1) Lee, J.G, Choi, D.K. (1994) Glyptagnostus and associated trilobites from the Machari Formation, Yeongweol, Korea. Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea, 10, 117–136 2) Peng, S., Babcock, L.E., Robison, R.A., Lin, H., Rees, M.N., Saltzman, M.R. (2004) Global standard stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of the Funrongian Series and Paibian Stage (Cambrian). Lethaia, 37, 365―379.1) Lee, J.G, Choi, D.K. (1994) Glyptagnostus and associated trilobites from the Machari Formation, Yeongweol, Korea. Journal of the Paleontological Society of Korea, 10, 117–136 2) Peng, S., Babcock, L.E., Robison, R.A., Lin, H., Rees, M.N., Saltzman, M.R. (2004) Global standard stratotype-section and Point (GSSP) of the Funrongian Series and Paibian Stage (Cambrian). Lethaia, 37, 365―379.
2021년 10월 18일 8:40 오전 등록 None