표본정보 변경내역

표본번호: KIGAM-9J93a
변경일시 변경종류 사용자ID 변경내역
2021년 10월 20일 2:16 오후 수정 1
scientific_name:Ohiocrinus byeongseoni<i>Ohiocrinus byeongseoni</i>
2021년 10월 20일 2:04 오후 수정 3
morphological_description:Ohiocrinus with isotomous arm branching with four to fourteen primibrachials, loosely and clockwise coiled anal sac composed of cylindrical plates and covered with small polygonal plates, relatively short xenomorphic column, and small lichenocrinid-type holdfast<i>Ohiocrinus</i> with isotomous arm branching with four to fourteen primibrachials, loosely and clockwise coiled anal sac composed of cylindrical plates and covered with small polygonal plates, relatively short xenomorphic column, and small lichenocrinid-type holdfast
2021년 10월 20일 1:10 오후 등록 3